Uninsured Driver Accident Lawyer

Ontario accidents, uninsured drivers and accidents with no insurance.

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You May Not Have Insurance, but You Have Our Support

The law in Ontario requires all drivers owning a motor vehicle to have insurance; however this is not always the case. Uninsured drivers are more common than you may think and there is still compensation for accident victims involved in accidents in Ontario when one person does not have insurance. First, you would be entitled to liability coverage under your own policy of automobile insurance through what is known as the Family Protection Endorsement in your own policy.

However, in more rare circumstances, if you are an Ontario resident and you are injured in a motor vehicle accident where there is no insurance, you may have a claim to the fund of last resort — the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund.

If you have been involved in an accident and do not have access to insurance, our lawyers can help

There are legal avenues for accident victims in such a situation. Our lawyers can help you sue for the compensation you need and deserve, as you may need compensation for your personal injuries, medical expenses or loss of income. It’s important for you to choose an experienced personal injury lawyer who has made claims before for uninsured drivers. We have successfully fought cases to ensure that our clients who were involved in accident with uninsured drivers or who were uninsured themselves received the maximum amount of compensation possible.

Did you know that our team helped an uninsured driver receive $2 000 000.00 in compensation after being told he would get nothing?

We were able to help a 25 year-old man secure his future after he was involved in a dirt bike accident. Sadly, he did not have any insurance whatsoever and was denied any financial assistance. Thankfully he contacted our Ottawa personal injury lawyers and we took over. We fought for our client and the Ontario Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund appealed the courts’ decision twice. We did not give up and in the end our Ottawa personal injury lawyers helped our client receive the absolute maximum compensation. We helped him and we can help you.

Focus Areas

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Whether involved in a car accident, boating accident, motorcycle accident or otherwise, we know that motor vehicle accidents can have serious consequences. These claims can be affected by a number of factors, so it’s important that you have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side.

Ontario Motor Vehicle Accidents Claims Fund

Motor vehicle accidents happen more than we like to admit and can have life altering consequences. Luckily, our team of experienced personal injury lawyers can help you make a successful motor vehicle accident claim.

Our lawyers will travel to your home, hospital, or rehabilitation centre throughout eastern Ontario. You don’t pay until you get paid.

Personal injury claims involving uninsured motorists can be complicated.

Ottawa personal injury lawyer David Hollingsworth has a proven track record with these types of cases and has been highly successful in getting maximum compensation for our clients.  The video to your right discusses a case whereby the insurance company denied our client ANY compensation. Our Ottawa personal injury lawyers took the fight on and after the court decided in our client’s favour, the insurance company appealed the decision. We fought it again and won. Our client received the absolute maximum in compensation after being told he would receive nothing, as he had no insurance at the time of his accident. We helped him and we can help you.

No insurance and injured in an accident?

Our Ottawa personal injury lawyers and Ontario accident benefit specialists dedicate themselves to these types of cases to ensure that everyone is treated fairly. We have the knowledge, skills, experience and expertise to get you what is right and get you maximum compensation.

We are Ottawa personal injury lawyers who are experienced in uninsured driver Ontario accident cases. Please contact any of our lawyers to discuss how we can help you. You owe this to yourself.

As Seen On:

CTV Ottawa Citizen The Globe and Mail CBC Law Times 1310 News Ottawa Sun Kitchisippi Times Logo Rogers TV Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

In Ontario, you would be covered by the accident benefits in your own policy in any accident, whether you hit someone or someone hits you. Insurance varies in each province, but in most provinces, your collision insurance would cover damage if you're hit by an uninsured driver.

If neither driver has insurance and becomes injured, Ontario law provides a safety net for people who are injured. The Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund (MVACF) provides both Accident Benefits and compensation for property damage and personal injury.

In order to claim compensation from the MVACF, the injured must be a resident of Ontario and the accident occurred in Ontario, the injured person can apply.

Contact our team for a Free Consultation

If you’ve been injured in an accident, please contact us free of charge to discuss how we can help you get the compensation and care you need to enjoy a comfortable quality of life.

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We are lawyers who understand, who care, who are here to help… and our track record proves it.
We can’t change the past but we are the lawyers that can help change your future.